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February 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Double burden of malnutrition

This magazine focuses on the double burden of malnutrition, and the challenges and opportunities the global community now faces in addressing all forms of malnutrition. Although the double burden remains a largely untapped area for integrated action, there are opportunities to act. »

January 16, 2019Knowledge Portal
Scaling up climate services for smallholder farmers: Learning from practice

These six papers in a special issue of Climate Risk Management presents innovations, insights and evidence from efforts to make climate services work for smallholder farmers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Identifying the intended users and understanding how their identities, roles and responsibilities within larger agrarian communities to which they belong impact their climate service needs and ability to act on the information provided. »

October 31, 2018Knowledge Portal
The safe food imperative: Accelerating progress in low- and middle-income countries

This report strengthens the economic case for increased public investment and other policy attention on food safety in developing countries. The most crucial roles for governments is to be facilitative: induce investments and behaviour changes by actors that share the goal and responsibility for safer food. »

October 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Transforming agriculture in Africa & Asia: What are the policy priorities?

This report summarizes government policies and public investments that have driven agricultural transformation in Africa, Asia and Latin America. A key finding is that the availability and fertility of agricultural land and population dynamics are core to the role of agriculture in economic transformation. »

August 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Opportunities and challenges for research on food and nutrition security and agriculture in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe

These four reports highlight opportunities and challenges for research on food and nutrition security and agriculture in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. An overarching lesson is that science, technology and innovation are key in agricultural development and food and nutrition security. »

August 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
How digital apps and services are boosting rural youth employment

In this blog by FAO, several digitial innovations examples are mentioned that are stimulating youth back to agriculture. There are already new ways of working in agriculture that harnesses digital and technological innovations, rendering it more efficient and, not as a small byproduct, providing new opportunities and services for young entrepreneurs. »