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February 27, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrating fisheries and agricultural programs for food security

This article aims to investigate how widespread the mixed-strategy of fishing and farming is across food-insecure regions of the world. Understanding the degree to which farmers also consume fish, and how fishers also grow crops, would help to inform more resilient food security interventions. »

February 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Geodata and ICT solutions for inclusive finance and food security

This study ‘Geodata and ICT Solutions for Inclusive Finance and Food Security’, commissioned by NpM, Platform for Inclusive Finance, presents an overview of the possibilities and challenges of using geo-data and ICTs to improve agricultural production and access to finance for smallholder farmers. The publication is based on an analysis of 250 projects. »

February 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Tackling food waste around the world: Our top 10 apps

This article showcases apps that aim to limit food wastage, both food losses and waste. Most of the apps aim to decrease food waste, however one app, the Cheetah App developed by the researchers from the University of Twente focuses on reducing food losses. The Cheetah app, which is currently being trialed by around 80 users in Ghana, shows farmers, food transporters and traders the fastest route to market, and even shows how to avoid ad hoc roadblocks set up to take bribes from drivers. »

February 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Addressing the gender differentiated investment risks to climate-smart agriculture

This article argues that closing the gender gap in land and other productive resources can provide a “triple dividend” of gender equality, food security and climate management. It can thus offer a cost-effective approach to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. Since the growing literature on the gender gap aims to better quantify its implications for agricultural productivity but does not provide a framework to prioritize policy responses, this article focuses on the latter aspect of the problem. »

February 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Promoting gender equality in foreign agricultural investments: Lessons from voluntary sustainability standards

This report analyzes the gender-related content of five major global agricultural sustainability standards and five principles for responsible investment in agriculture. It contributes to the emerging literature on the gendered impacts of the contemporary wave of foreign agricultural investments. The outcomes of agricultural investments for men and women often differ in rural areas of the Global South, »

February 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Inclusive development from a gender perspective in small scale fisheries

This article argues that gender inequality and discrimination challenge the social economic and environmental sustainability of the global small-scale fisheries sector in achieving inclusive development. The absence of a gender-aware perspective in fisheries research is often justified from the premise that fisheries are a male-dominated sector. However, millions of women are engaged in small-scale fisheries and their work has been systematically discounted and devalued. »