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ARF-2 final factsheet: ProSeSS Benin
June 13, 2019Research project
ARF-2 final factsheet: ProSeSS Benin

Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. »

August 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustaining soil functions in agro-ecosystems

This special issue of the journal Agronomy aims to demonstrate judicious farming systems, where environmentally-sound practices are utilized, simultaneously maintaining soil functions, supporting environmental quality, and sustaining agricultural productivity. »

November 8, 2016Knowledge Portal
Under what policy and market conditions will Malawi’s smallholder farmers switch from tobacco to soyabean?

This policy note explores key findings from a farm-level analysis of smallholders’ crop choice under different policy and risk scenarios. Smallholder farmers planting decisions are examined for five major crops – maize, tobacco, common bean, groundnut, and soyabean – using a farm-level risk model. The policy scenarios include: (a) reducing the volatility of farm gate soyabean prices by 25 percent; and (b) introducing a loan package for soyabean inputs. These simulations were conducted both without and in the presence of a loan package for tobacco inputs. »