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Twelfth F&BKP Newsletter
April 15, 2016News
Twelfth F&BKP Newsletter

In the April newsletter, the launch of the third call of the Food & Business Applied Research Fund is highlighted. Furthermore, several knowledge products and event reports recently developed within the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) are presented. Those include the complete report of the successful Food & Business Applied Research projects workshop held in »

Micronutrient management for improving harvests, human nutrition, and the environment
April 6, 2016News
Micronutrient management for improving harvests, human nutrition, and the environment

Micronutrient deficiencies in soils limit crop yields and nutritional quality, which in turn negatively affect human health. Especially in sub-Saharan Africa, soils have multiple micronutrient deficiencies which makes soils non-responsive to NPK fertilization. »

April 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
What we eat: Changing patterns of food consumption around the world

This paper (PDF) from the Universidad del Pacífico explores changes in the level and composition of per capita food consumption across the world. The world’s food output has more than trebled since 1961 whilst population only doubled, causing a marked increase in per capita food supply. Besides these overall increases in food consumption, the composition of the average diet also changed. »

March 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global Hunger Index 2014: The challenges of hidden hunger

This report offers a multifaceted overview of global hunger that brings new insights to the global debate on where to focus efforts in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The report highlights the challenges related to hidden hunger, which is often ignored or overshadowed by hunger related to energy deficits. Hidden hunger, or micronutrient deficiency, affects some 2 billion people around the world. »