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October 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food policy councils

This issue of the Urban Agriculture magazine explores the experiences of Food Policy Councils (FPCs) and similar entities, with a particular focus on their approach to inclusiveness, documented impacts, and challenges faced. hese groups bring stakeholders together to share perspectives on food systems challenges, to develop innovative solutions, and to influence food-related policy and planning. Most FPCs in this issue seek to include a spectrum of stakeholders from across the food system, such as farmers, distributors, processors and vendors. »

Turning knowledge on food systems into action
September 23, 2019Knowledge activity
Turning knowledge on food systems into action

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI), F&BKP consortium partner, works on processes of innovation and change through facilitating innovation, brokering knowledge and supporting capacity development. In the week of September 23, WCDI starts a campaign, supporting its slogan “Turning knowledge on food systems into action”. »

September 16, 2019Knowledge Portal
Capturing the economic potential of food systems for the poor

This report provides an overview of the evidence of the economic potential of food systems for the poor for the next ten years. Evidence shows that only the upper tier of small-scale farmers can access the more modern and commercialised food channels. For policy it is of importance to get the mix right in relation to the ability of smallholder farmers in the food system to “stepping up” or “hanging in” (farmers not able to scale up and commercialise) farming activities. »

September 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
The political economy of food

This issue examines a range of perspectives on power in food systems, and the various active players, relationships, activities, and institutions that play a major role in shaping them. In aiming to understand power in the food system, there are many different disciplinary, epistemological, and ideological entry points into the study of power, and seeking a single approach will likely limit the insights that different disciplines and research orientations can bring to the study of food systems. »

How to support the food system transformation - a practical framework
August 28, 2019Expert opinion
How to support the food system transformation – a practical framework
Theme: Food Systems Approach

An important insight of the last years is that our major economic systems do not deliver the right results and are not sustainable. The food system is one of those key systems. The demand for more nutritious food to feed a healthy and productive global population cannot be met if we do not look at fundamental changes. But where to start: with the consumer, the farmer, the industry, the retail? In this blog Paul van de Logt and Ruerd Ruben present a practical framework based on their experience in policy and science to support food system transformations. »

August 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Transforming food systems under climate change: Local to global policy as a catalyst for change

This working paper discusses how policy should bring transformative change for food systems to become sustainable, resilient, climate smart and inclusive, while delivering affordable, culturally appropriate, healthy diets for all. Transformation demands participation and action from all actors. »