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food and nutrition policies

February 27, 2020Knowledge Portal
Rethinking trade policies to support healthier diets

This brief focuses on the potential to lever improvements in diets by trade policy, and how to address it. The primary focus is on cross-border flows of food and agricultural commodities, exploring the effects that trade can have on the supply and affordability of nutrient-rich foods. It also considers how trends in global trade affect diets, greenhouse gas emissions and the natural environment upon which food systems depend. »

October 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food policy councils

This issue of the Urban Agriculture magazine explores the experiences of Food Policy Councils (FPCs) and similar entities, with a particular focus on their approach to inclusiveness, documented impacts, and challenges faced. hese groups bring stakeholders together to share perspectives on food systems challenges, to develop innovative solutions, and to influence food-related policy and planning. Most FPCs in this issue seek to include a spectrum of stakeholders from across the food system, such as farmers, distributors, processors and vendors. »

September 12, 2019Knowledge Portal
Economic evaluations of multi-sectoral actions for health and nutrition

This brief focuses on the challenge of measuring and comparing health improvements from programmes and policies affecting agricultural production, farmers’ livelihoods and the food environment of urban and rural households »

January 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Shaping the future of global food systems: A scenarios analysis

This report presents four scenarios for the future of global food systems. These possible futures of global food systems broaden perspectives about alternative future environments. The report aims to challenge global leaders to think in new ways about the future and to motivate action on key issues that will shape the global food systems. The key question is: How will food systems nutritiously and sustainable feed 8.5 billion people in 2030? »

November 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Brokering and facilitating NL funded PPPs: Understanding the role of Dutch embassies and the challenges they face

This publication explores Dutch embassies’ experiences in partnerships in food security and water with private sector involvement. The ‘from aid to trade agenda’ provokes a number of tensions for embassies. A case study was set up in Kenya to explore the role of the Public P in PPPs and to come up with new solutions for food security issues and develop the agribusiness sector in Kenya. »

August 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
Closing the potential-performance divide in Ugandan agriculture

This report looks at what could explain the potential-performance divide in Uganda and comes with recommendations how to close this. The difference between aggregate output growth and the growth of all inputs and factors of production that produced it, has been negative for the last two decades in Ugandan agriculture. »