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cash crops

June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Banana as a cash crop and its food security and socioeconomic contribution: The case of Southern Ethiopia

This article assesses the potential contribution of banana production to food and income security in Southern Ethiopia. The paper also explored the major banana production maximization bottlenecks. »

February 3, 2016Knowledge Portal
Impact of export horticulture farming on per capita calorie intake of smallholder farmers in Eastern and Central Provinces in Kenya

In attempting to achieve household food security for smallholder farmers, synergies and tradeoffs exist between cash cropping, food cropping and food security. Available evidence on the impact of cash cropping on food security shows mixed results. The objective of this paper was to assess the impact of export horticulture farming on food security of smallholder farmers in Kenya in two provinces in different agro-ecological zones with different resource and infrastructural endowments, crop growing and marketing conditions. »

What about nutrition security?
March 21, 2014Expert opinion
What about nutrition security?
Theme: Nutrition Security

In regions that produce cash crops like tea, cocoa and coffee, nutrition security is rarely on the agenda of decisionmakers. However, nutrition is key to triggering a positive effect on the health of farmers and plantation workers, and on economic development and productivity. This article was written by Klaas de Vries as an expert opinion »