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ARF-1 factsheet: Uganda Afri-Taste
June 5, 2019Research project
ARF-1 factsheet: Uganda Afri-Taste

Please download the factsheet with end results of the Applied Research Fund Call 1 project ”Afri-Taste in Uganda”: better processing approaches; improved quality control; new products; product awareness in most supermarkets; and certification. »

Innovation for Seafood Sustainability and Nutrient Security in Southeast Asia
May 13, 2019Research project
Innovation for Seafood Sustainability and Nutrient Security in Southeast Asia

During a special session on Sustainable Sea-Food Security last April at the 12th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, partners of four NWO-WOTRO funded GCP projects and one ARF project discussed with stakeholders of the fisheries and aquaculture sector from policy and practice. The session had three goals: (1) Knowledge exchange between the NWO-WOTRO funded projects working on the seafood value chain, (2) Exchange with stakeholders of the sector who are not related to the project, (3) identification of constraints to inclusion of small farmers and fishers in development. »

Report of
November 15, 2018Research project
Report of “Business Symposium Day”

In September 2018, the ARF project AGRI-QUEST partnered with Makerere University Business School in organizing the 23rd Annual International Management Conference. AGRI-QUEST co-organized and coordinated the conference’s “Business Symposium Day” where the project presented their outcomes to a wide audience.  »

First steps in Healthy Cows, Healthy Food, Healthy Environment project
November 2, 2018Research project
First steps in Healthy Cows, Healthy Food, Healthy Environment project

In the first year of the Applied Research Fund project “Healthy Cows, Healthy Food, Healthy Environment” in Ethiopia, important first steps have been made. Main objective of the project is to improve the milk quality and milk quality in terms of chemical (antibiotic) residues. This is done in two ways: by enhancing the laboratory control capacity and »

Report of workshop on resilience of inland fishing in Benin
October 31, 2018Research project
Report of workshop on resilience of inland fishing in Benin

In the context of the ARF project “Improving resilience of inland fisher communities in Benin” ACED, LHA and ACWFS organized a workshop on September 18, to improve knowledge exchange with policymakers and to strengthen their engagement in the sector. During the workshop six key messages were formulated. »

Grafting: A way to boost tomato harvests from low-quality trees
October 30, 2018Research project
Grafting: A way to boost tomato harvests from low-quality trees

The grafting technology is largely being promoted under the Applied Research Fund project “Improved Resilience through Sustainable Production of Grafted Tomatoes in Uganda (IRESO)”. Grafting transforms low quality fruit trees into the high yielding commercial varieties. Many tropical fruit trees, including tomatoes, mango, avocado and orange, perform better when farmers merge good fruiting characteristics with »