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agricultural diversification practices

August 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Exploring agriculture diversification in Zambia from different perspectives

This discussion paper explores the reasons for the lack of agricultural diversity from the perspectives of smallholder households, market actors and extension officers. Zambia’s diversification agenda should be based on  the priorities and requirements of farming households. To succeed it will require the collective efforts of key players, and a range of co-ordinated policy changes. »

January 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Review: Role of herbivores in sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper reviews the state of knowledge of the role of herbivores in sustainable intensification of key farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. In SSA, the integration of livestock into farming systems is important for sustainable agriculture as the recycling of nutrients for crop production through returns of animal manure is a central element of the dominant mixed crop-livestock systems. The pathways to sustainable agriculture in SSA include intensification of production and livelihood diversification. »

August 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
The spice of life: The fundamental role of diversity on the farm and on the plate

This synthesis paper discusses why agricultural biodiversity and dietary diversity are important, the relationship between them, the reasons why they are at risk, and what can be done to foster them. The world is witnessing major shifts in dietary patterns and – in parallel – the threat to agricultural biodiversity. »

May 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Diversification and intensification of agricultural adaptation from global to local scales

This article examines two dimensions wherein smallholder farmers may adapt agricultural practices; through intensification or diversification. Aspects of adaptive intensification include access to information and human capital. In contrast, there are few global drivers of adaptive diversification, »

May 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global trends in dietary micronutrient supplies and estimated prevalence of inadequate intakes

This article characterizes global trends in dietary quality for all countries between 1961 and 2011. This is done by estimating micronutrient density of the food supply, and the prevalence of inadequate intake of 14 micronutrients. Over this 50-year period, Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region where dietary micronutrient density has declined, while in most regions it improved. »

December 19, 2016Knowledge Portal
Lessons learned: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

This “Lessons Learned” document reviews experiences over the last two decades in conservation agriculture and provides practical guidelines for the adoption of CA on program level and more technicallu. The three principles of conservation agriculture are: continuous minimum mechanical soil disturbance; permanent organic soil cover; and diversification. While CA took off in Latin America, adoption in sub-Saharan Africa has been limited due to different contexts and challenges. »