Annette Wijering

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F&BKP Steering Committee

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Annette Wijering is manager at the Knowledge Department of the Directorate-General Agro of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. The Ministry emphasises the vital contribution agricultural knowledge and innovation can make towards meeting our objective of feeding 9 billion people by 2050. The Ministry therefore actively supports food security efforts in many ways and through various projects. Annette has departmental responsibility for demand-driven knowledge development in Agro and the coordination of international work.

Annette has over 25 years of experience in the field of agriculture and horticulture and long-term experience in areas such as water management, nature and regional policy and European affairs. At national level Annette has considerable experience with various (top sector) public private partnerships in areas including research. She has stimulated cooperation on societal challenges like food security for many years and sees an important role for agriculture in the challenge to improve food security worldwide. Annette’s international experience includes chairing the European Research Area – Agricultural Research for Development (ERA-ARD). She’s also the vice chair of FACCE (European Joint Programming on Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change) and a member of SCAR (Standing Committee on Agricultural Research) as well as different European research networks.


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