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July 6th, 2015

Perspectives on jobs and farming: Findings from a Q study with young people, parents and development workers in rural Ghana

Published by Future agricultures,

This working paper by Future Agricultures aimed to explore in a systematic way the perspectives of rural young people, their parents and development officials on a series of questions relating to work in general and agriculture in particular. The study presents the results of a series of Q Methodology studies with secondary students and parents in Ghana, and with development officials. It was found that young people strongly emphasise their desire for modern jobs and for jobs that are in line with their education. Though few positive perspectives of young people or parents towards farming were found, not all perspectives were negative. Modernisation of farming was central to the perspectives of both young people and parents. An important recommendation is that attention should be paid to bringing the views of policymakers, development professionals and young people closer together.

Please also find a version of this paper in the Food Security Journal here.

Curated from future-agricultures.org