July 9th, 2015

Rural–urban linkages

Published by ILEIA and the RUAF Foundation,

This issue (PDF) of Farming Matters and Urban Agriculture Magazine is is a co-production between ILEIA and the RUAF Foundation. The issue looks at some existing experiences with strengthened rural–urban linkages and what they teach us about improving food systems for both consumers and agroecological farmers. The magazine provides examples from across the world (China, Cape town, Bolivia and Japan amongst other examples). This issue shows how agroecology is a consistent thread in building stronger connections between the rural and the urban. Alternative marketing arrangements are highlighted as well as the strength of rural identities in urban contexts for solidarity between farmers and urbanites. Multiple examples show that active engagement of citizens, both consumers and producers, is a good way to create new pathways towards sustainable food systems. If interested in reading more, please find this edition on rural-urban linkages from LEISA India.

Curated from agriculturesnetwork.org